Hotel Segevold i Sigulda

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LetlandHotel Segevold



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4b, Mālpils iela, 2150, Sigulda, Siguldas pilsēta, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 974 848
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.1437706, Longitude: 24.8571829

kommentar 5




    Very polite,friendly staff and wonderfull Spa,nice ,big and very clean rooms.And nice breakfast as well.

  • Kurts Magone

    Kurts Magone


    Good service

  • Muuk Kivi

    Muuk Kivi


    The room was on the third floor facing the street and not the backyard. For someone not 186cm tall it would be hard to open or close the roof windows. The room was cozy and large enough. I have been here in the room facing the backyard and there is a workshop where local radio is played pretty loudly from early morning. The toilet was clean and nice. The tv is tooooooo small :), i think it was 17 inches and far away from the bed, for a 4 star hotel that is not good enough. The breakfast was average, not bad, but nothing to mention either. The stuff was ok. The spa is small, you should choose the newly opened sport center with pools instead or the ezeri hotel. Still Ezeri has rooms which are in need of renovation, so this hotel has better rooms. The location of this place is nowhere, surrounded by garages from the backyard but we do not care.

  • Robert Väljur

    Robert Väljur


    It's definitely a nice looking hotel. Staff was nice, rooms clean and spacious, and breakfast was nice. It would have been nice to have spa available in the evening as well. Restaurant is a bit pricy. I wouldn't say it's a 4 star hotel, but a definite strong 3 star one.

  • Elizabeth Ramey

    Elizabeth Ramey


    We stayed here for two nights and would say without a doubt that it’s a great value for the money. The pool and jacuzzi are nice, everything is very clean, the bed is comfortable, the staff has been consistently friendly. We ordered dinner at the restaurant in the hotel and it is surely one of the best dining options in town. There was a mistake regarding the price of the soup my husband ordered as it was marked differently on the menu than in the computer system. It was only a 1€80 difference so we didn’t think much of it, but a little later the waiter brought us two beautiful chocolate ice cream desserts to our room. We would recommend this hotel for sure. One word of caution: the walls aren’t that thick! Otherwise it’s a great place to stay for such a good price!

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