Hotel Sigulda i Sigulda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandHotel Sigulda


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6, Pils iela, 2150, Sigulda, Siguldas pilsēta, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 972 263
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.1554502, Longitude: 24.8525683

kommentar 5




    Hotel is very comfortable. Reception is so kind. Rooms are big and good for enough two person. Hotel is close to bus station and train station. Restorant is very good and delicious dishes. Place is very green.. perfect place

  • Niels van Burik

    Niels van Burik


    Great and clean rooms. Very nice and helpfull staff.

  • Orlando Caldeira

    Orlando Caldeira


    Unplugged. Laid back. Exclusive. A must-visit. The highlight of our trip.

  • Ty Fairclough

    Ty Fairclough


    Very nice modern and old mixed beautifully. Would of given it 5 stars but drunks outside at 4am woke sleeping guests. Restaurant is very good in the evening. Delicious food you have to book in advance. A nice terrace to dine on is perfect in the summer. Rooms are spacious and have all the normal facilities you need. Weirdly the new building has a kids area in the 1st floor foyer however i wouldnt advice playing there as there is no safety barrier for children to fall an entire floor to the ground around the perimeter of the floor. That's a tragedy waiting to happen. Would visit again despite those oddities because all round it was a great place to stay.

  • Ilze Be

    Ilze Be


    This is a nice place, in the middle of the Town of Sigulda. I was there with my 16-year old son. The staff was very kind. Mind that they don't have a lift/elevator. If you have big suitcases, you may want to ask for the ground floor because there is no porter either. The beds are small, but generally we were satisfied. The rooms were very clean and there are air conditioners which not all hotels m in Latvia have.

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