Kūrortviesnīca Līgatne i Līgatne

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandKūrortviesnīca Līgatne


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Skaļupes, Ligatnes pag., Līgatnes nov, Līgatne, Līgatnes pagasts, LV-4108, Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 64 161 915
internet side: rehcentrsligatne.lv
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Latitude: 57.255751, Longitude: 25.069068

kommentar 5

  • Richard Jonsson

    Richard Jonsson


    Interesting USSR bunker from the day's of the Cold War. Well worth to see with your own Eyes.

  • Alexander Oleinikov

    Alexander Oleinikov


    A real return to the USSR era, with simple tasty food and all the interior detail of soviet times. The scenery is magnificent all around the compund. Under the hotel there's a soviet bunker, one of the last ones remaining intact and open to visitors.

  • Hans Damen

    Hans Damen


    The real reason to visit here is the bunker underneath.

  • Aleksandras Troskovas

    Aleksandras Troskovas


    Wonderfull place and all surroundings be sure to put it to must see list.

  • Ramequin de La Quiche

    Ramequin de La Quiche


    Great place good sleep, feeling like an aparachick

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