Spa Hotel Ezeri i Sigulda

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LetlandSpa Hotel Ezeri


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Ezeri, Sigulda, Siguldas pagasts, LV-2150, Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 973 009
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Latitude: 57.1319903, Longitude: 24.854121

kommentar 5

  • Didzis Bremze

    Didzis Bremze


    The spa reception canceled out appointment twice! The facility it worn out and outdated. The massage is good and fair prices

  • Sergejs K

    Sergejs K


    Here goes. Personal was really helpfull cheerfull, was amazed, because was not expecting such a warm welcome. Fair warning price range is pretty steep if you want to enjoy full time experiance in the SPA. Mediocre SPA, sauna did not go higher than 85 celsius, aroma sauna was really enjoyable. Pool was really small aproximately 3x3m. Roomes are nice, polished, clean. Tv did not work thou. The best part about this place is the view, and the restaurant, even thou it's pricey aswell, so be prepared. Overall experiance was great, thank you. 😊

  • Viktorija S

    Viktorija S


    Amaizing SPA! Very kind and helpful personal. Room was clear. But when I tried to rellax in my room after massage, I could not do it becouse of bad soundproof. I could hear everything that did my neighbors oppozit, their TV and talks. Breakfast was tasty, but many dishes was empty and they didn't fill it in. I coudn't turn on the shower in my room:(

  • Lady N

    Lady N


    Small and nice Spa place. Great Open Air jakuzzi! Enjoy the air and warm jakuzzi. One small pool. 2 Saunas. One of them Russian, second- Turkish. Ezeri has also hotel and great restaurant. Spa Hotel Ezeri is located in the country side, around 5-10km from town Sigulda. Friendly staff!

  • Santa Bushueva

    Santa Bushueva


    Spa is OK, only two saunas, one pool, but jacuzzi inside is nice. Evening restaurant was amazing, everything was very tasty. (bread for starters is for fee). Morning brunch was good, limited variety of food, although everything was testy and fresh.

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