Katrīna i Cēsis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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8, Mazā Katrīnas iela, 4101, Cēsis, Cēsu pilsēta, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371
internet side: www.draugam.lv
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Latitude: 57.3116071, Longitude: 25.2681699

kommentar 5

  • Nils Kandler

    Nils Kandler


    Spacious rooms with great views over the old Cesis.

  • Mikus Lubejs

    Mikus Lubejs


    Clean, tidy and lovely room, polite staff, good breakfast, on-site parking. Very pleased with the stay.

  • Antanas Taparauskas

    Antanas Taparauskas


    Amazing place to stay. Everything was excellent, the facilities, hotel location. Staff was pleasant and friendly. Breakfast was great and nourishing. Safe parking lot; and if you coming back late at night from the city, you can always use front and back door keys which was given :) Highly recommend

  • Annelie De Liefde

    Annelie De Liefde


    We were there walking around, and saw this amazing dance from children. Furthermore, the hotel is nice and the staff are friendly

  • Charles Bourrier

    Charles Bourrier


    Donner une note et un avis Katrīna, viesnīca, Mazā Katrīnas iela 8, Cēsis, Cēsu pilsēta, LV-4101 Charles Bourrier Votre avis sera visible en mode public sur le Web. En savoir plus Reception staff friendly. But deception ensued. - Street light giving straight through our window with no blinds to stop it - The room was not well ventilated. - Very hard bed (likely ok for most people, unless you have experience designing beds) Good breakfast (this is why my colleague who could stay longer told me) Big deception that it was not possible to get anything for breakfast before 8am. So if you are here for work and start early beware of buying your own breakfast the day before. Ajouter des photos

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