TOP Club Riga i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandTOP Club Riga



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Alfrēda Kalniņa iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Letland
kontakter telefon: +371 22 808 202
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.9494276, Longitude: 24.1212226

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christopher Wick


    I visited Top Club on a Saturday night, first and foremost, because I wanted to support the local Riga gay community. The space is great. There is a front bar, a chill-out area behind the main bar, and a dance floor in the back. The coat-check was free and the staff, overall, was friendly and helpful. Saturday night was "Madonna" night and it did start getting pretty comical after "Come Join the Party" queued for the 11th time. In fairness they did play a variety of music in the back dance area. The biggest thing missing from Top Club was people. After chatting with people online in Riga and hearing them complain repeatedly about the lack of a "gay scene" in Riga, it is no wonder when they stay home on Saturday night and don't support the local bars/clubs. I hope that Top Club gets to the point where they have a line forming outside to get in (and can do away with the crazy "ring the bell" face control policy to get in...but I do understand that this isn't Los Angeles). I will definitely go back on my next trip to Riga...hopefully more Riga boys will do the same.

  • Home Office

    Home Office


    Tiesam superigi pavadits laiks :)

  • Kirill Katajev

    Kirill Katajev


    Лучшее заведение!!🎊😘😍 Отличная атмосфера !

  • Артем Лазарев

    Артем Лазарев


    Шикарное место. Одно из лучших в Прибалтике! Хорошая музыка, вежливый персонал, и великолепная атмосфера!

  • en



    I like this place. Anithing new in Riga :) Best stuff :)))

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