Medusa lounge i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandMedusa lounge


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22, Kaļķu iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Lettland
kontakter telefon: +371
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Latitude: 56.94956, Longitude: 24.1104512

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tom Ottens


    You will get scammed here

  • en

    Raúl Marmolejo Estrada


    They have girls picking up tourists to burn them and steal their money. If you go inside the menu of beers starts from 25 euros and easily they can steal you about 750 euros. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE!!

  • en

    Olga Kusserow


    The worst place you could go to. Arrogant guy at the bar. He charged us 5 € for a Heinekken (which costs 3,50 at a neighbouring bar) and 25 € for a shisha. When I asked why so expensive, he tried to justify the prices with the taxes in Latvia. He couldn't have been unfriendlier. I regret deeply not having left when I saw the prices and listened to that arrogant criminal... We were the only customers - now I know why.

  • en

    MG Empire Adwords


    When asking why Pinot Grigio bottle costs 100+ EUR, they told us this place isn’t for bums :) Stay aware of this place

  • skvriTV



    Pricey. Not for poor. (fat guy in the bar said so) Не для бомжей (со слов жирного бармена)

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