Coco Loco i Rīga

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LetlandCoco Loco



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Pēterbaznīcas iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 224 301
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.947326, Longitude: 24.1095159

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniels Basko


    Nice cocktail bar. Great potential to become a pirate themed bar.

  • Alex S

    Alex S


    Well this is the place. Good ambient, nice drinks and a super cozy upstairs place. Martiņš is the most awesome bartender. Cheers bro and see you some time in the Netherlands :)

  • en

    Kriss Kross


    Cocktails aren't really good ones. The price is as same as in Berlin. A Caipirinha is very simple to mix. Missing the brown sugar is dumb. But I got some when I asked for it. What about the Jamaican style? The DJ played some physicadelic house music...I missed the atmosphere that was promised and why we came here.

  • Danielius Bolotinas

    Danielius Bolotinas


    Perfect place. Trendy, in the heart of the old town, with hipsterish interior. Staff is wonderfully friendly. AND MUSIC IS AWSOME!!! Menu? It is pretty cheap comparing to other old town places and delicious. Board games, books, vinyls and other stuff makes Coco Loco a place where you want to return.

  • Dante Enrico Pezzoli

    Dante Enrico Pezzoli


    Very comfy and chilled out place, especially 2nd floor is awesome. Representative for Jamaican style and vibe!

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