Friends club i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandFriends club



🕗 åbningstider

55, Elizabetes iela, 1010, Rīga, LV Letonia
kontakter telefon: +371 29 299 444
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.9547926, Longitude: 24.1180017

kommentar 5

  • es



    Ni fu ni fa

  • Paul Richardson

    Paul Richardson


    Dance club on the first floor and karaoke bar beneath. Decent, friendly atmosphere and good priced drinks. Open until the early hours and worth a punt if you're looking for an evening dancing or singing the night away

  • es

    B. Manuel Martin


    Buen ambiente y copas bien servidas. Hay que pagar para entrar y suele estar lleno pero sin ser incómodo. Edades muy variadas y música letona principalmente. Suele haber actuaciones en directo. Los de seguridad se portan correctamente pero no permiten ni borrachos ni broncas.

  • Ruslan Developer

    Ruslan Developer


    Friends club is a cool place to hang out and spend your weekend's nights. Multiple lunges available there. You can both dance and sing karaoke. Also, there is a kitchen working where you can order a great meal which makes you feel much better at about 1 a.m.. All this is combines in one place to make sure you get most of your party! Average age is aprox. about 29-33. Great security team is out there to make your stay safe and prevent any stupid actions from mad visitors. Smoking is allowed outside of the club, which again, makes you feel comfortable on the dance floor or at the bar!

  • Roberto Catala Pardo

    Roberto Catala Pardo


    Discoteca para mayores de 25 años

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