Tērbata i Valmiera

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Tērbatas iela, 4201, Valmiera, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 26 451 719
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 57.5405361, Longitude: 25.4261016

kommentar 5

  • Uvis Kalniņš

    Uvis Kalniņš


    Great place for a casual meal and drinks.

  • A. S.

    A. S.


    As good as it gets. Save that ApplePay failed.

  • Frosty



    It was great, the burgers are just soooo goood 👌

  • Asim Qasımzade

    Asim Qasımzade


    I ate here one of the best burgers in my life. Stuff speaks good english and is very friendly. There's a pool table in second floor. Worth checking out. We enjoyed this place.

  • Artūrs Laimīte

    Artūrs Laimīte


    I like this place. It is not my favorite local burger joint where to have a nice juicy burger made of locally grown beef, but it is a close second. Not only you can taste local food, but you can enjoy local and not that local beers. Most of these beers are actually rather good, and you won't find them in other restaurants. Staff is friendly. I have never been thrown out of this bar/restaurant or whatever they call it place. Prices are affordable even for locals, that means that tourist should fill his belly full with delicious food and drinks and still have some money left to spend on some Valmiera souvenirs. And there are some pool tables on the second floor. I remember they had an idea of building some kind of a hostel on second and third floors, but I don't know if they did. I wonder what happened with that. One downside they used to have is that there was not enough tables for busy evening. During summer time all is good, because they have terrace, but they should try to put some more tables inside. And I believe they will, because just recently they have gotten rid of that useless barbershop that was a part of Terbata bar/restaurant. So there will be more space for people to enjoy their food. I recommend this place. And this is how a satisfied client looks like when he has just left Terbata.

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