new sun i Valmiera

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Letlandnew sun



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10, Rīgas iela, 4201, Valmiera, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 29 401 499
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.5385912, Longitude: 25.4208177

kommentar 5

  • Reinhold Dai

    Reinhold Dai


    Authentic place and classy atmosphere to round off the day.

  • Didzis Kerpe

    Didzis Kerpe


    When we discovered the place with family we thought it's a simple restaurant with quite high prices, but over the time testing the food and price range we have found this place to be one of the best to go and dine if you want to get the feeling of a restaurant. Food is relatively expensive, but if you limit you choices and take part of the food from children menu you can get a very good amount of food for decent price. One other thing ehat you can enjoy is the atmosphere. Nice music. Separated seating with comfy tables and chairs/seats/sofas. Place for kids to play and draw (kid friendly in general). People serving food are always positice and very pleasent to speak to. Would recommend the place to anyone. In addition - the place works as fast-food restaurant half of the day so you can eat cheaper if you go and eat lunch there.

  • Santa Ausmane

    Santa Ausmane


    Very good and friendly service.And good choice of food and reasonable prices.Definetely will come again.

  • Aleksandrs Perevoznikovs

    Aleksandrs Perevoznikovs


    Nice chill place, good 🍺, very kind staff!

  • Jānis Bebrītis

    Jānis Bebrītis


    A good place to have lunch or slightly more fancy dinner. Has a good selection of coctails and a corner for kids. Actually, place is very kid friendly as it has plenty of toys, a slide and a separate construction for them to climb. Kids menu is also a colouring book and they provide fair selection of pencils.

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