Panda Sushi Valmiera i Valmiera

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandPanda Sushi Valmiera



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4, Dārza iela, 4201, Valmiera, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 24 911 942
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Latitude: 57.536926, Longitude: 25.4120241

kommentar 5

  • ENFJee EIE

    ENFJee EIE


    The best sushi restaurant in the Vidzeme region. Especially hot ones. Swallow your tongue easily. And for that price?! Your only complain may lay on your own stomach - why there aren't more space for more sushi?

  • Ieva Saliņa

    Ieva Saliņa


    Delicious freshly made sushi. Calm and friendly atmosphere. Maybe too much cream cheese for my liking.

  • Didzis Kerpe

    Didzis Kerpe


    This was one of my favorite spots to go and eat sushi. After the last visit - it's not anymore. Food was on average quality. The person serving the food seemed to be very stressed and sometimes confused on what to do. In my sushi found some bone pieces. Did get a new portion (nice touch from their side), but the 2nd portion was in worse quality. No bones though it was like eating a badly prepared sushi with a lot of cream-cheese and rise what was close to impossible to pick up. Do want to point out that the food in precious visits have been TOP notch and this last time I visited it was a single mishap for the restaurant. Do hope it's the case. Would be a shame if we would loose the best place to eat sushi. The environment of the place is OK, there are limited amount of seating places plus a TV, but usually you feel quite comfy.

  • Toms Plaudis

    Toms Plaudis


    It was tasty and good service. But the room is too small for sushi place. Better to preordered as takeaway.

  • Elina O.

    Elina O.


    My compliments to the Cheff! And Coffee is 👌Perfecto! 😊 🍀 💕

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