Tukuma Ledus Halle i Tukums

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandTukuma Ledus Halle


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3, Stadiona iela, 3101, Tukums, Tukuma pilsēta, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 26 635 775
internet side: www.tlh.lv
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Latitude: 56.9663475, Longitude: 23.1574483

kommentar 5

  • Virginity Edits

    Virginity Edits


    The gym is absolute cancer, not enough plates and its hella expensive

  • Jungkook's Banana milk

    Jungkook's Banana milk


    Eh... It was okay. Food is a bit pricy. Could be cheaper. I ordered pancakes/crepes. They were too greasy. You can also go ice skating there. But I think you need to call to register first. Good service. The woman that's taking orders was sweet. Also you can play ice hockey and other games there! Over all.. Good experience, could be better.

  • Makc Maakc

    Makc Maakc


    Nice new design place.

  • Michail Bagrov

    Michail Bagrov


    The bed seemed not quite comfortable,pillow too small, the rest was OK, worth the money.

  • Vladimir Levchuk

    Vladimir Levchuk


    Stayed here for 4 days with a children football team. Personal was very kind and professional. Rooms were OK. Leaving now with of positive emotions. Definitely recommend the hotel!

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