Neptūns, Restorāns - kempings i Jūrmala

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LetlandNeptūns, Restorāns - kempings



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1, Jaunķemeru ceļš, 2012, Jūrmala, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 731 289
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.975339, Longitude: 23.557148

kommentar 5

  • Evan Edwards

    Evan Edwards


    Let us in late at night and said we could pay the next morning. All we got was a very bad smelling bathroom and a place to hang our hammocks and he charged 20 euros... ridiculous price

  • Max Iljin

    Max Iljin


    Terrible. Waiter was very unkind and we waited 30 mins with kid and still nobody came so wasnt able to make an order. We were declined to come inside as foreingn tourist were expected to come... Probably locals not so valuable here. Think twice before coming there...

  • Edmunds Imša

    Edmunds Imša


    Quiet place near beach. Parking is free. Food is ok. There is a nice gazeboo, take it if weather is ok.

  • Mihails Radzins

    Mihails Radzins


    Price for food quality is high. They obviously try to do good, but when all you taste in ceasar salad is cheap fish used in the sauce and cheapest hard cheese available on the market..... well, just bad food.

  • Ivar Jol

    Ivar Jol


    The camping at Neptūns is small-scale and has a laid-back atmosphere. There is electricity and the sanitary buildings are in good order. The staff was very flexible and kind in helping us. We brought a tent and car which only costed us 22€. Besides the restaurant, there is a little kiosk at the camping where you can buy some drinks or snacks. Very close to the beach (~100m)

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