Tallink Hotel Riga i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandTallink Hotel Riga



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24, Elizabetes iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 099 760
internet side: www.tallinkhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.9485533, Longitude: 24.1229467

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ruslan Timerbulatov


    Even though the outside look is not so encouraging, the inside feels more than enough comfortable and quite! Everything is nicely designed for you to feel calm and relaxed in the city centre.

  • Jurijs Guralniks

    Jurijs Guralniks


    Nice premises. Good for business and stay. Kind of nice restaurant

  • en

    issa malki


    Opened in 2010, Tallink Hotel Riga was designed to summon the architectural spirit of the Alhambra, the breakfast is delicious and the room is very clean .the staff is very kindly staff.and the price is good

  • Dynamic Madman

    Dynamic Madman


    We were staying for a few days and it was a good experience. Breakfast was rich and had lots of different options. I really liked mushrooms and scrambled eggs. Our room was clean. I really enjoyed the bathroom where floor was warm and shower had space to move in it comfortably, which is rare. Although sometimes the temperature changed from really warm to cold, but it wasn't a problem. One thing is that you totally should take slippers with yourself or you have to pay 5-8 euros for them. But overall it's a good hotel to stay in.

  • en

    Vo Thanh Cong


    We are satisfied with the room and service. The room is clean and spacy. The location is near to tram stations and many shopping malls. 10 min walk to the old town. Quite convenient to walk to surrounding restaurants. The breakfast is nice.

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