Central Hostel i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandCentral Hostel



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20, Ernesta Birznieka-Upīša iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 22 322 663
internet side: www.centralhostel.lv
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.949262, Longitude: 24.129071

kommentar 5

  • Gabriella Masaki Chendana

    Gabriella Masaki Chendana


    Very clean and nice hostel. It's a very clean hostel. The fact that it is located near the central station and there's also alot of minimarkets nearby. Definetely a recommended hostel! :)

  • en

    Александра Смирнова


    Great place with very friendly and helpful staff. Very good location. All that people need)

  • Trent Archer

    Trent Archer


    This is a great hostel. It's within (short) walking distance of where the airport bus stops and has plenty of restaurants and supermarkets close by. Just as important is the hostel itself. There's a 24-hour reception, pricing is very reasonable and a good kitchen included. Staff are very polite and I wouldn't fault it. Highly recommended.

  • Leslie the Soldier

    Leslie the Soldier


    Very cozy, friendly atmosphere for such low prices for rooms. It's clean and quiet everywhere, common rooms and hostel rooms itself look pretty. I also met some interesting people there. As a mega-advantage is free tea/coffee and products in the kitchen. I recommend this place for everyone, who wishes to enjoy stay in Riga for convenient price and comfort balance.

  • Quinto Fabio Massimo

    Quinto Fabio Massimo


    Good position near the centre of the city but without noise. Cheap. The staff were kind. NOT FUNCTIONING THE SAUNA. The room was clean and wide. Pillow quite bad. No elevator but actually not necessary (3 floor building). The kitchen is too small and there are no enough bathrooms. Generally a good choice.

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