St. Peter's Boutique Hotel i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandSt. Peter's Boutique Hotel



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23, Peldu iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 223 027
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Latitude: 56.9460713, Longitude: 24.1073712

kommentar 5

  • en

    Keith Maughan


    Hotel is lovely. Right in the old town centre, about 200 metres from St Peters Church. All other sites are within walking distance.👍👍

  • Polina Leisle

    Polina Leisle


    Very cute hotel in an awesome location. You can’t hear anything from the party street outside thanks to the tripple windows. Only minus is the coffee (tastes horrible).

  • Andris Vizulis

    Andris Vizulis


    rating the restaurant: food is tasty, yet it is not anything special. They use the same 2 sauces to decorate snacks,main meal and desserts. The steak was overcooked, yet still tasty. Vegetables were probably frozen before as outside was hot but inside still cold. Thou thats digging too deep. Service was nice, food was tasty.

  • Abigail C

    Abigail C


    The staff are nice and helpful. They are knowledgeable with tourist attractions and would do their best to answer questions that they cannot answer right away. The bathroom and the towels were clean, but I gave the 3 star rating because the bed sheet and the bedspread were not clean. There were hairs and some sand like particles. I think if they replace the mattress, pillows and clean the beddings well, 2 more stars can be added to this rating.

  • en

    Reena Mägi


    Good location. Rooms carpet was shabby. All other things are great. Definitely go back. Breakfast superb and atmosphere is mysterious in a good way. Service nice.

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