Radisson Blu Rīdzene Hotel i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandRadisson Blu Rīdzene Hotel



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1, Reimersa iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 093 333
internet side: www.radissonblu.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.953529, Longitude: 24.112169

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chen Namchaisiri


    Excellent location, right next to a park. Nice room and very comfortable bed.

  • en

    Grace Del Valle


    We had a three course meal at the restaurant. Amazing food & good service... The hotel personnel were really friendly & take good care of you. Best of all the place is in the center of Riga. Walking distance to all the hot spots in town... I will Definitely come back & stay in this place.

  • Alon Linetzki

    Alon Linetzki


    Nice facility but doesnt worth the money. Service was not doing what promissed, no jym or pool. Beakfast omlet took ages to arrive..and the wrong one ..twice..

  • Edel Nout

    Edel Nout


    Hotel has got gym and Finnish sauna with an amazing views to the city park. Really cozy place. It's pity that hotel didn't connect to "one touch" app and hadn't any blue roots. Breakfast was in pyramid restaurant with a lot of flowers everywhere, if you ask they will cook a big cup of coffee or porridge or omelette. Great stuff: girls from reception Anete and Dana, they was really helpful, gave all information about nearby sightseeing and some excursions. It was really amazing stay in Riga, thank you Radisson Ridzene. ❤

  • en

    Greg Maj


    A nice hotel near the old town in Riga. A very friendly staff and good amenities. The Old Town is fantastic.

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