Esplanāde i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Reimersa iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 772 211
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.9544791, Longitude: 24.1139398

kommentar 5

  • en

    suhail khan


    Lovely relaxing park opposite Radisson Blu 26 Floor Hotel.Large park with various statues,monuments and fountains as well as wonderfully well kept gardens.Russian Orthodox Church here also with fascinating history.Places to eat both just outside park on pavements as well as in the park.Wonderful Green Area around 15 mins walk from the City Centre.

  • en

    Vladislav S


    Beautifull pakr with fountains in the heart of Riga. Big and Beautiful Ortodox Cathedral is situaded here. During summer trampoleen park is situated uder the shades of old park trees. In winter special Christmas decoration, Rabbit's kingdom, small shops and some marry-go-rounds. Monument of Barclay de Tolly, Latvian state Acadeny of Arts and beautiful, renovated Latvian state Art museum and Public toilet are situated here too.

  • Alicia de Mendieta

    Alicia de Mendieta


    Nice! But be careful, there are people trying to scam tourist, asking for a coin to the parking are xD It is a nice place, with a lot of trees, benches and everything. Good place to rest a little bit before or after art museum (is very near). Also you have Lido in front, which a knowed latvian restaurant with affordable prices.

  • David Clarke

    David Clarke


    This is in my humble opinion the most prestigious part of Riga. This is where art, space and people congregate. Relaxed, interesting and beautiful.

  • Ramona Hassel

    Ramona Hassel


    A lovely park in the heart of the city. Has the culture, architecture and nature in one little piece of land combined for your convenience.

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