Wood Religion Barber Shop в Rīga

ЛатвияWood Religion Barber Shop



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28, Kaļķu iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
контакты телефон: +371 28 861 999
Веб-сайт: woodreligion.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 56.9502738, Longitude: 24.1117868

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Stig Andre Ahlkvist


    Reasonable price, and the women with glasses did a very good job trimming my beard. She was very polite. Recommend everybody to try this place out.

  • gatis steinbergs

    gatis steinbergs


    Haircut varies from person to person but overall a really nice place to get one.

  • Dr Brown

    Dr Brown


    Well, I like barber shop style very much and manager was very polite. But BUT I've asked hairdresser ( woman ) to cut me with scissors. She replied with NO !!! Simultaneously when cutting with machine she was explaining to novice college that she was mentoring that machine hair cut save to her a lots of time. I don't know. The owner should hire more dedicated personal to this profession.

  • en

    Olya Harwood


    Four years ago while visiting from United States , we walked inrandomly and my husband got a wonderful service and handsome haircut.Nicely shaped sideburns .Master even stepped outside afterwards to point me to the store we needed to find. This time ,hovewer, is a complete disaster.Walked in to make an appointment .Then , because I was not allowed to translate and explain what would be great to do ( * was ordered not to come back because I am a women and this is a gentleman's club) , my husband got confused about metric system barber used to explain - before Shaving My Husband's Head Bold.He left sideburns that seem to grow from nowhere, or from the frame of glasses , or just look like they are glued to his face.Making my man look ugly right before important meeting.Now we need to go to find and buy a hat.My husband was kind enough to leave a tip on a top of 35 euros. Horrible place ... Outrageous use of discriminating, bluntly sexist English words in explaining the policy. What fools run this business now. I am beyoud disappointed. My husband is upset.

  • Алексей Балакирев

    Алексей Балакирев


    My wife booked a time for me and was refused to enter the building because of "no women" policy. It was strange keeping in mind that two of three hairdresser were women. She had to walk somewhere in the cold while I had a haircut. Had a talk with the manager and he said that its the policy of an owner and lots of people complain and also its hard to find good male barber in Riga. Well, then change a policy, otherwise it's double standard. The cut itself was ok, the price is a bit too high. Overall, will not come again, too rude.

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