Rausis , kafejnica-konditoreja i Jelgava

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandRausis , kafejnica-konditoreja



🕗 åbningstider

10, Vaļņu iela, 3001, Jelgava, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 63 027 795
internet side: www.rausis.lv
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.646145, Longitude: 23.7185421

kommentar 5

  • Solveiga Līdaka

    Solveiga Līdaka


    Good cafe

  • Sales MaxiPrint.lv

    Sales MaxiPrint.lv



  • Linda Dinsberga

    Linda Dinsberga


    Ok. Cookies and cakes are exellent. Not too cosy ir elegant, but tasty...

  • Pavel Lepin

    Pavel Lepin


    This is really about expectations. If you're expecting something special, go some place else. If you want a quick lunch that won't make a hole in your wallet, this is just what the doctor's ordered. Note that they specialize in desserts and pastries, which I'm usually not very interested in. I understand those are quite good, but stuff like main courses and soups is just ordinary - simple, fairly tasty, won't give you a food poisoning, which is high praise compared to some other places you could find. Expect to spend around 10 EUR, though you can probably go a fair bit lower than that if you just want to get some calories into your system. Serving times are usually low, but there's a bit of variability there.

  • Martins Duboviks

    Martins Duboviks


    Lovely place with some homemade ice-cream and delicious cakes and pastries. Also possible to get daily specials and in general to eat good diner.

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