MiiT Coffee i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandMiiT Coffee



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10, Lāčplēša iela, 1010, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 27 292 424
internet side: www.instagram.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.956711, Longitude: 24.120437

kommentar 5

  • Iuliia Nemudrova

    Iuliia Nemudrova


    Very tasty food and coffee, nice atmosphere. Totally recommend

  • Eliza Forsaeus

    Eliza Forsaeus


    This was a coffee shop and vegan food place, seeningly very popular with young people who came to work on their laptops. The food was good, but quite expensive and the restaurant was quite loud. I would go here with friends for a work/study day, but not for a finer lunch.

  • Elwin Lee

    Elwin Lee


    Nice coffee place with plenty of room to sit. There's a variety of coffee and coffee beans to choose from and they also have a light food menu. The waffles were delicious and fluffy! The place seems to be popular among people who come there to work and students.

  • Kseniya Balakireva

    Kseniya Balakireva


    Omg, one of the best vegan friendly places ever! Delicious deserts, lunch offer at a great price, friendly people around :) chickpea soup and ‘tuna’ salad for lunch was amazing, especially topped up with some vegan bounty’s and snickers 😉

  • Nauris Linkevics

    Nauris Linkevics


    Nice place for evening cup of tea/ coffee with some sweets like brownie, cup cake or maybe Croasaint. Serves as well vegan friendly food. Nice atmosphere, friendly staff, plenty of space and on the spot you can find some board games and books to spend time not only sitting in your device but enjoying time with someone or with book.

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