Kaprīze i Jaunbērze

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4, Dārza iela, 3717, Jaunbērze, Jaunbērzes pagasts, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 63 723 129
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.7352598, Longitude: 23.3904176

kommentar 5

  • Harijs Bīmanis

    Harijs Bīmanis



  • Ervins Cesnieks

    Ervins Cesnieks


    Great place, deliscious food!

  • Martins Staks

    Martins Staks


    Nice place friendly prices

  • Kaspars Priede

    Kaspars Priede


    Nice place. Very good if you consider there is no alternatives nearby. Recomended for travelers passing by, however, this is not a fast food. So plan at least 1 hour of stay. Food was good so it is smart to plan trip and include this place for a dinner or something.

  • Janis Bertrands

    Janis Bertrands


    There's a reason this place has been in business since 1994. Large portions of well prepared fresh food, cozy interior and professional staff. Monday to Thursday they serve classic Latvian cuisine, but the rest of the week is Italian style food. We were there on a Saturday. Food was served really quickly, couple of minutes for soup and then within less than ten minutes main dishes it seemed. Four stars because I would have to call the food perfectly adequate, but lacking that something special that makes you come back. But if you are driving past and are ready for a big meal this is certainly a good choice. Cards are not accepted. WiFi logo was displayed on the door, but I didn't find a network.

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