Dikli Palace Hotel в Dikļu pagasts, Kocēnu novads

ЛатвияDikli Palace Hotel



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
"Dikļi", Dikļu pagasts, Kocēnu novads, Dikļu pagasts, LV-4223, Latvia
контакты телефон: +371 64 207 480
Веб-сайт: diklupils.lv
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 57.597452, Longitude: 25.1022411

Комментарии 5

  • Irina Belecka

    Irina Belecka


    Nice place to rest. Interesting and unique menu in the restaurant. Top something restaurant in Latvia.

  • Inga Krukle

    Inga Krukle


    It used to be fantastic hotels years ago, high quality and great customer service. Now, mattress is hard and old, no mattress cover-it is not hygenic!!! It is 4* hotel, and to my understanding should have by default complimentary water and bathroom essentials-shower cap, shampoo, shower gel, body lotion at minimum. Sorry to say, but no water and shower cap, conditionet, body lotion you can buy for 1€ in reception. Seriously?????Should i think it forehand tbat i will need it??

  • Marko Ponder

    Marko Ponder


    Super place, fantastic! Food is also excellent!

  • Carlos Guerlloy

    Carlos Guerlloy


    Wonderful, peaceful place Friendly staff. It worths the little higher prices.

  • Anna G.

    Anna G.


    I am giving 4 stars only because of the restaurant,really. 3 stars for hotel. Room: 2/5 stars Although we stayed here in off season (winter) the Princess room costs a fortune for what it is! And it is just outdated room with antique furniture. Ceilings are cracking, bathroom has either too hot or too cold water, uncomfortable old bed, noises from the water pipes... the list goes on. Even in 3 star hotels I have seen better. And interior is gloomy and dark, not my cup of tea. Dissapointment. Breakfast in bed: 3 /5 stars SPA: 2/5 stars (although they will be having a steam sauna and other updates, so that might raise the overall spa level) Restaurant: 4/5 stars In my opinion, restaurant is the best reason to visit Dikļi! A gem amongst restaurants around this area. Menu is local as it can get, interesting flavor combinations. Been here twice in autumn/winter and definitely planning to visit again in summer, when the restaurant is located in another room with a terrace.

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