Cili Pica в Jelgava

ЛатвияCili Pica



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11A, Rīgas iela, 3001, Jelgava, LV Latvia
контакты телефон: +371 63 045 555
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 56.6618909, Longitude: 23.7462382

Комментарии 5

  • Jānis Skredeļs

    Jānis Skredeļs


    Have been there a couple of times. Service has always been great! Classic pizzas are tasty and not that pricey, expecially when taking advantage of discounts.

  • Lucy J

    Lucy J


    Had a nice visit till the moment my calzone arrived. It was not what I have ordered. Chicken meat was not pulled chicken meat, just standard boiled. There were no onions. I had to call a waiter myself, stand up ans look for her. When I asked a waitress about why there are no onion, she first replied that there shouldn't be any, but when I showed her the description, she then came up with an excuse, that the onion is there, just not a lot and I cannot taste them. She was very rude all the time while speaking to me. By the time it all happened, my food got cold and I wasnt offered anything to replace or reheat it. The halapenjo peppers were red, did taste alright. The rest of food that my party order were standard, quality wise ot was border line average. The service is slow, when busy waitresses do not care much, just take an order, bring food and disappear. We had to pay for my calzone without any discount.

  • Renars Dronga

    Renars Dronga


    Sometime service and conditions of food is not at the level.

  • Olegs Klimovs

    Olegs Klimovs


    Visited many times with family. A lot of dishes and drinks not only italian. Moderate prices, there are any discounts.

  • mishjaM



    Probably the best place to eat with kids because of the play area where the kids can play, of course it will be a little messy, but that is because of the kids and not the restaurant being messy witch it isn't, somehow it always is clean. And the food has a lot if variety from pizzas to soups and traditional food(if it is still on the menu I'm not sure, i haven't been there in a wile) and they have a special menu for kids with very good food(based on my little sister) i really recommend to go there with family or friends for the full experience.

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