AUTO5 Car Rental Mikroautobusu Noma Autonoma Vieglo auto noma i Rīga

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LetlandAUTO5 Car Rental Mikroautobusu Noma Autonoma Vieglo auto noma



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19, 13. janvāra iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 207 710
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.945492, Longitude: 24.112021

kommentar 5

  • Vic Triplag

    Vic Triplag


    Everything was perfect. We had a late fight, Auto5 staff was waiting for us. We needed two different child seats and they were available. Car was waiting for us exactly as I booked Toyota avensis. Car was brand new only 12K km

  • Dylan Tucker

    Dylan Tucker


    Very friendly guy, we didn't like our first car because it was a ford so they swapped it for a brilliant toyota when we went back. Much appreciated.

  • en

    Ruud Vercoulen


    Don't use this company! They offer you cars like an VW Passat but they dont even have this car!! You will get an Toyota Avensis with zero options in the car. Like other people say they send you incomprehensible high service costs!!

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    Chrysa Vratskidou


    DON'T USE THIS COMPANY!!!!They will steal your deposit!!! Don' t get their low offers, because at the end you will pay much more because they will charge your card later. Prefer another serious company. Answer: Responsibility is obviously an unknown word to you, yes! Otherwise you would have made sure we got informed that we have to pay a penalty and waited the 15 days to pay for the penalty, before you charge us, without even sending an invoice!

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    Arminas Lukosius


    Don't use this company as there are cheating with deposit. They didn't tag all marks before I took a car. It was night time, the car was not enough clean to notice the small scratch on the rear arc, that 2-3 cm scratch notice only in the morning, and they charge me 100 Euro for that!! It's a fraud, I can guarantee they done that before with somebody else. People please don't be quite, we need to stop them cheating on non fault ones. Also they charging 20 Euro's extra for collection car at late time, it's disgusting!!! Never saw so bad rental company. Be aware!!

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