Zemgale Hotel Jelgava i Jelgava

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandZemgale Hotel Jelgava


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Skautu iela, 3002, Jelgava, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 63 007 707
internet side: skzemgale.lv
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Latitude: 56.660994, Longitude: 23.7426226

kommentar 5

  • Ego Aloes

    Ego Aloes


    3 stars... not more ;-)

  • eddy pren

    eddy pren


    Good cheap hotel all you want is close shoppping center and city

  • Jindra Jung

    Jindra Jung


    Je to sport hotel... nic extra

  • Marijus K

    Marijus K


    Good location - walking distance from town center. There is bowling in same building. Breakfast was good anought too. Large fenced parking lot. Fast and easy check-in/check-out.

  • Ely Greenfeld

    Ely Greenfeld


    Had a bedroom for two. If you're staying for a few days and in need of cheap roof over your head, it's fine for the price, but i start to think i shouldn't have spared the tenner and gone to a hotel just over the bridge. Starting with the fact that you can see from the type of doors that the visitors can hear you walking past in the hallway, i lived in the third floor and could hear people going down the stairs to the first floor. I also could hear my neighbor showering, coughing and moving around his room and bed, which made me uncomfortable thinking he can hear me too. And given the fact there is no sound isolation at all, everything is awfuly loud there. The shower had some bubbles or something under it's floor and was moving as I was showering, it was also leaking, leaving a puddle in the bathroom after my shower. Tv had three channels, picture grainy. And the two person bed was just two beds on wheels pushed together which left my partner and I waking up during the night to push them back together again and again so ond of us wouldn't just fall in.

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