Zalumnieku piestatne , bistro i Sigulda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandZalumnieku piestatne , bistro



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9, Pils iela, 2150, Sigulda, Siguldas pilsēta, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 29 150 104
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.157256, Longitude: 24.850939

kommentar 5

  • Lauris Purvins

    Lauris Purvins


    Nice place to have fast lunch or dinner, nicely decorated, Friendly staff. They have tables inside also outside. Food was tasty, prices reasonable.

  • Maksims Ozerovs

    Maksims Ozerovs


    "Homemade" menu at a very reasonable price. Tables both outside and inside the premises

  • Raimonds Grūbe

    Raimonds Grūbe


    Decent food for a price. Variable menu. The level of food fluctuate sometimes, but mostly its good

  • Kristi Balite

    Kristi Balite


    Tasty and cheap comfort food. Had it for dinner and planning to go back for breakfast. I ordered chicken and deep fried stuffed potato. My friend ordered beaded pork with cheese with a side of potatoes and mushroom in cream sauce. It's not your typical restaurant where you order off a menu. They have precooked food and you just point to what you want on your plate. Much better than fast food, especially if you're on the go. We were in and out in about 20 minutes. Also, they serve alcohol. Update: breakfast was so so. They served leftovers from dinner, which wasn't very good the second time around and they didn't have the typical breakfast food aside from sausage.

  • Dmitry C

    Dmitry C


    A nice bistro. Lots of place inside, food is somewhat traditional. Democratic prices. Sometimes could be problem to park a car nearby.

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