Taka Esse , SIA i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandTaka Esse , SIA


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3A, Kronvalda bulvāris, 1010, Rīga, LV Letonia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 323 150
internet side: www.takaspa.lv
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.9550443, Longitude: 24.1026556

kommentar 5

  • Delphine Auvergne

    Delphine Auvergne


    Super spa avec piscine, le plus possibil6de privatiser l espace piscine

  • Dag Cummings

    Dag Cummings


    A hidden oasis where time flies away while you are floating on a soft cloud in the hands of some the most professional and talented SPA professional's who at the same make you feel like the SPA is just yours...

  • lv

    Aija Stūrmane


    Burvīga vieta sevis lutināšanai, atpūtai un dziļai relaksācijai. Izcila kosmētika, profesionāli un ieinteresēti meistari.

  • Craig Huffer-Florence

    Craig Huffer-Florence


    I recently visited this Spa when in Riga. Great facilities, and the most relaxing massage I have had in ages. The scrub provided to exfoliate smelt great and left my skin feeling clean and refreshed.

  • Violeta Maslobojeva

    Violeta Maslobojeva


    Professional service with cosy facilities. I usually do appointment over the email and get reply within couple of minutes. I love there quite room which you go to after the treatment - tea/snacks.. There is small swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room, sauna. They use Elemis cosmetics which is high quality British brand. Staff is very nice and professional.

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