Riga Wellness i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandRiga Wellness



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3, 13. janvāra iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Lettland
kontakter telefon: +371 23 008 477
internet side: www.rigawellness.lv
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.946389, Longitude: 24.114397

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kiki Mykkänen


    I chose the place because of the good reviews in Tripadvisor and was not disappointed. I reserved a time through email and to my surprise it was answered also on a Sunday out of service hours. I had an eyebrow-waxing, which was well executed. I was impressed how well the beautician spoke English. Afterwards I had reserved a hair-cut. The receptionist (I think it was maybe the owner) spoke fluently English and introduced me to the lady, who cut my hair. Her mother tongue was Russian, but she also spoke enough English to agree on the details of the hair cut. It was a dark-haired woman who was very professional and precise. I asked to keep the same cut than I already have and she took the time to find out how exactly my hair is cut before washing it. I was very happy with the result and paid only 24 Euros. About the beauty salon in general: It is beautifully located in the cellar rooms, but very modern and clean. The products they use are all high quality western products. A hint for first-time customers: The beauty salon entry is on the right side when you enter the building. The hair dresser salon on the left side is belonging to the salon, but will not receive customers that want to reserve a time.

  • en



    I came to Riga wellness to have massage and hair colouring. Im vert happy with both. Good service and very good massage and i love my new hair. I will come back next time in Riga. Thank you

  • en

    Olga Konoņenko


    Very good place-fancy with nice atmosphere and professional beauticians! Recommend!

  • ru

    Анна Бунина


    Отличный сервис, салон находится в самом центре Риги, бесплатная парковка, приятный и профессиональный персонал и уютная атмосфера. Понравились ваксинг и укладка. Рекомендую и буду пользоваться ещё, так как в Риге бываю часто.

  • en

    Paula Müller


    Beautiful Spa Center with friendly and professional staff, everything is clean and has a really relaxing atmosphere. We enjoyed our massage there and recommend this place to everyone else, who sets a high value on a professional, hygienical treatment in a comfortable surrounding.

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