Pakistānas Kebabs i Ventspils

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandPakistānas Kebabs



🕗 åbningstider

4, Raiņa iela, 3601, Ventspils, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 57.3935598, Longitude: 21.5654222

kommentar 5

  • Wulau wulaee

    Wulau wulaee



  • Arturs Mons

    Arturs Mons


    Overall delicious food and acceptable service. Definitely price is aligned with the quality. I was surprised that it was busy. But service is on point and waiting time isn’t so bad overall. Food was delicious and there are several options, surely everyone can find something for their desires. If you are in area it’s worth to give a try. For people who are scared that they won’t get served because they don’t speak English or the staff Latvian, keep calm, everyone will be served ;)

  • Klavs Miltins

    Klavs Miltins


    Veri god

  • Mijo Joseph

    Mijo Joseph


    Fast delivery and delicious food...good place to eat in ventspils....

  • J L_LV

    J L_LV


    They need to impove alot, guys who work there dont speak Latvian at all. And there is no air conditioner, guys are sweating like crazy and thats not what you want to see as a customer while they are preparing your meal, owners of the place should think more about their workers. Well kebab itself was fine but still its hard to compare to the alanya kebab.

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