No.1 full service 2-wheel gear rental & guided tours (bike & segway), bike & repair shop in Old Town i Rīga

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LetlandNo.1 full service 2-wheel gear rental & guided tours (bike & segway), bike & repair shop in Old Town



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14, Pils iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 29 133 867
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.9501456, Longitude: 24.1032608

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hannes Kinks


    Rented an electric bike and was very happy with the whole experience. The staff was friendly and helpful, the bicycle was in excellent condition and performed well. Could cycle effortlessly to Jurmala and back. Will definitely come back next time when visiting Riga.

  • en

    David Burnfield


    We did the 2-hour bicycle tour which was excellent and a few days later rented Segways for an hour to look around the old city. The equipment was excellent as was the service. Really good value too.

  • ArmorCroc



    No.1 service of bikes in Riga. Very helpful, talkative and kind staff and lightning-fast service for a befitting price. All you could ask for and so much more! What I asked for was a quick maintenance of gears and a few things necessary for my trip. Got all items asked, my brake levers adjusted in my preferred way, alot of information about the city and working top gears for my bike the people in my home country wouldn't achieve even when separately asked. Thank you! The gears worked a charm and I did well at the marathon. Would not have managed as well without my stop with you! Greetings back here from Finland! :)

  • nick culley

    nick culley


    Great Segway tours and super friendly, fun and helpful staff and guides.

  • Carlo Becchi

    Carlo Becchi


    Today, my fiancee and I were riding to Vecāķi beach, and just in front of the train station my tire popped. We took the train and come back to the center. We brought the bike to because it's so close to the station and even if it was Sunday, for 8 EUR they changed by tube in just 40 min, the time to have a snack and a beer. These guys are very professionals and honest. Service is top notch. Last week some colleagues from London visited Riga's office and we went to Jurmala by bike, and they rented the bikes here. While not in mint condition, they were well maintained and perfectly working. I cannot recommend this shop more!

nærmeste Cykel butik

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