Nivāla i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Akas iela, 1011, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 281 346
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.9556615, Longitude: 24.1233996

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paul Lewis


    Have been using their service for about two years and they provide wash and dry service with no faults. However, the lady that runs the place is RUDE. At first I thought it was due to langulan barriers. But today just ended my patronage of their establishment. She was overtly rude, rolling her eyes at me and speaking in Russian under her breat, something that I am sure could not be praise for me. Will go elsewhere.

  • Natalie Chavarria

    Natalie Chavarria


    The service is extremely rude. I came to pick up my laundry at 19h30, the lady was impolite and almost shouting at me for coming so late to pick it up, saying she wanted to go home, despite their closing time being at 20:00. Very disagreeable experience.

  • Brendan Moore

    Brendan Moore


    Was turned away at 5:30pm despite 8pm closing time.

  • Melissa Moyle

    Melissa Moyle


    I thought this was a good service. Ladies were helpful and kind and did all my laundry for 10 euro which I thought was reasonable. Easy to find and you can go for a walk near the river or shop if it's raining while you wait.

  • en

    susan stace


    Had read the recent reviews and was expecting rudeness- I don't speak a word of Latvian but they were perfectly pleasant . Clothes went in dirty , came out clean and all socks accounted for.

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