Naughty Squirrel Hostel i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandNaughty Squirrel Hostel



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50, Kalēju iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 220 073
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.9469198, Longitude: 24.1130118

kommentar 5

  • en



    Amazing staff! Great guest! Clean toilets and showers. And lots of activities, can only recommend.

  • en

    Robert Smith


    One of the best hostels I've ever been to. Very clean. Great, friendly atmosphere with a lot of common room space. Plug sockets by all the beds (including top bunk) as well as curtains on each bed for privacy. Bar crawl also reccomended.

  • Lewis Husbands

    Lewis Husbands


    The reception and bar is open 24 hours and is far enough away from the rooms so when you want to sleep you can. There's free tea and coffee and the staff are super helpful and welcoming. There's a supermarket in the shopping centre nearby (less than 5mins walk) where you can buy breakfast items to cook or prepare in the squirrel kitchen area.

  • Ramakrishna V

    Ramakrishna V


    The staffs are super sweet and explain well about the city. They have happy hours in the evening and interesting events everyday. There is a huge TV with Netflix which you can watch and chill with others. The room is quite spacious with enough charge points in the bed. The bathrooms are a bit small but very clean.

  • en

    Eric Woods


    I’ve made my way around Eastern and Western Europe. Stayed in my fair share of great hostels. Squirrel House is legitimately one of, if not the, best hostels I’ve stayed in. The location is great, beer is cheap, beds are clean, common room is spacious, the showers are clean, numerous, and big enough for two. Above everything through the staff are astounding. Extremely kind, thoughtful, and professional about their work - they are by far - the most patient and helpful group of people operating a hostel of this size. They won their “Top 5 mid-sized hostels in the world” award for a reason. If you are traveling across Northern or Eastern Europe, this place is a must.

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