Museum of the Occupation of Latvia i Rīga

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LetlandMuseum of the Occupation of Latvia



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7, Raiņa bulvāris, 1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 212 715
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.9470334, Longitude: 24.1064698

kommentar 5

  • en

    José Domene


    Rellocated for renovation. Full story of USSR, Nazis and Independence of Latvia.

  • Ryan Agar

    Ryan Agar


    The exhibition has temporarily moved to just behind the Freedom Monument so don't head to the location on Google maps. It's a small exhibit but it does detail very well the struggles of Latvia during Nazi and USSR occupation and finally the move towards liberation in the early 90s. It's also free so there's really no excuse not to go.

  • en

    Es Schneit


    Very boring exhibition in my opinion. The museum is supported by donations mainly. They insist you first pay and then look. But they'd better pay you to visit it. Unfriendly personnel.

  • en

    Danielle Capon


    I highly recommend taking the guided tour, the guide was an incredible story teller, genuine & heartfelt. He knew how to add levity & humor where appropriate as well as sharing personal insight & familial experiences to bring reliability to a heavy topic that still weighs prominently on the national consciousness

  • krishna ramesh

    krishna ramesh


    Great insight into history and incredibly well designed museum. Brilliant exhibits and use of storytelling and technology to guide you through history. Never gets boring!

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