Kolonna Hotel Rezekne i Rēzekne

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandKolonna Hotel Rezekne


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2, Brīvības iela, 4600, Rēzekne, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 64 607 820
internet side: www.hotelkolonna.com
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Latitude: 56.5003699, Longitude: 27.3273102

kommentar 5

  • Igors Kasjanovs

    Igors Kasjanovs


    Nothing really chic, but a decent place to stay. Good location, fairly good restaurant, polite and helpful staff. Bed mattresses were a bit squeaky and a bit more equipment in the rooms (some cups, tea pot, etc.) Would add some comfort. That being said, very good price to quality ratio and nothing really to complain about. Would stay again.

  • Todd Blayone

    Todd Blayone


    A good 2-3 star with friendly staff. No air conditioning and poor WiFi

  • Pawel Korowaj

    Pawel Korowaj


    Fine, good coffee in a restaurant, no AC, but clean and good location

  • Juris Apinis

    Juris Apinis


    Very cool place with a bit of old school stuff! Nice and cool rooms!

  • Alessandro Amorati

    Alessandro Amorati


    It is close the main route. I would say a quite good position. The hotel seems to be renovated. The rooms are modern though spartan. The parking is small, but you jave the chance to park on the other side of the street. The price is fair for the quality.

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