Kantes krogs i Gulbene

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LetlandKantes krogs



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5, Miera iela, 4401, Gulbene, Gulbenes pilsēta, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 29 441 353
internet side: www.kanteskrogs.lv
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Latitude: 57.1811196, Longitude: 26.7525

kommentar 5

  • Laine Lapina

    Laine Lapina


    There are more fancy restaurants and dinner places for sure yet Kantes krogs has this homemade food thing and plates are so big.... :) That's why we go there every time we visit Gulbene city.

  • Igors Kasjanovs

    Igors Kasjanovs


    A typical road-side cafe of Latvia. That being said, this one is in the good end of the whole spectrum. Everything we ate tasted good. Typical Latvian dishes - not that traditional in fine dining categories, but typical modern day food. A very wide offering, fast preparation times and what's important - large turnaround, which means you can be more or less be sure about the freshness of food. Although no real scenery there (the back side has a bit of a rural landscape), still the surroundings are nice, with possibility to eat outside on the terrace. Prices a bit on the high-end comparing to peers, but reasonable. Will stop again.

  • Arturs Soms

    Arturs Soms


    Great coffee.

  • Juris Apinis

    Juris Apinis


    Awesome place to have all sorts of Latvian dishes:) massive portions 👌

  • Rune Keena

    Rune Keena


    Cozy pub. The duck in tomato-coconut sauce was very nice. My girlfriend said the fries was 10/10. The staff was friendly. Nice toilets.

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