Islande Hotel i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandIslande Hotel


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2, Ķīpsalas iela, 1048, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 608 000
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.9511783, Longitude: 24.0841499

kommentar 5

  • baco



    Had a good stay. Why only 3*? What's up with the staff? Yes, they're doing their job, but you'll never see a smile or a happy face, just long faces all day long. Like robots.

  • Clara Paiva

    Clara Paiva


    Very close to the university, which was all convenient for us. 20mn walk to the city center, which is also Ok. You would cross the bridge, which has a nice view. Quite nice for the price. Cool room, quite luminous and spaceous. Toilets Ok, everything worked fine. Internet ok. No noisy neighbours. Breakfast ok, maybe more hot food avilable than usual. The staff was overall efficient and competent, except in one aspect: once asked about the Bowling feature, they would end up giving different answers (first, I was told no, it would not be possible to book for that night, since the booking should be done one week in advance. Then, when asked the same question to another employee, I got the answer that I could remind them in the morning of the day we would like to use it. Ended up not playing bowling)

  • Ted Wikström

    Ted Wikström


    Good location. Superior room was as expected. Breakfast was ok but nothing super special.

  • R'n'RBanditka Lliskun

    R'n'RBanditka Lliskun


    Absolutely nice place! Friendly and thoughtful staff, clean and comfortable rooms for a good price. Excellent service and rich breakfast! 5 of 5! If i go to Riga again, will stay there for sure

  • en

    Aleksei Pashenkov


    Nice and cozy. 100% for the price. Nice and rich breakfast. Good rooms and the small SPA area for bonus. Live music in the restaurant for evening programm.

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