Designapartments i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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9, Aldaru iela, 1050, Rīga, LV Letonia
kontakter telefon: +371 27 077 035
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.9480657, Longitude: 24.1045772

kommentar 5

  • bora baydar

    bora baydar


    Our apartment was realy big and our rooms had a view of the bell tower of the cathedral

  • James D'Arcy

    James D'Arcy


    Simple but clean apartment right in the heart of the Old Town in Riga. Up 3 floors on an original steep wooden staircase, the apartment we had all the things we needed...basic but charmingly rustic. Getting the keys was simple and trouble-free. All in all good value and simple accommodation in the heart of the town.

  • Vlad K.

    Vlad K.


    Дождались после опоздания самолета вечером и поселили в отличных апартаментах в отличной части города (исторической), а также подсказали всё необходимое.

  • Игорь Колесниченко

    Игорь Колесниченко


    Одни плюсы

  • Niko McGill

    Niko McGill


    Our apartment was situated in the old town and we had to pick up the keys at the office which is also in the old town. The staff was friendly and showed us the way to our apartment. The apartment itself was bigger than expected and was well equiped (washing machine, a lot of cooking utilities). The apartment was clean. The price performance was fantastic and its location in the old town is great.

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