Cietais Rieksts i Saulkrasti

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandCietais Rieksts



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75a, Rīgas iela, 2160, Saulkrasti, Saulkrastu pilsēta, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 22 079 570
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.2468269, Longitude: 24.4046996

kommentar 5

  • Tanja Russita

    Tanja Russita


    tasty and large portions. playground for kids.

  • Patryk Kmiecik

    Patryk Kmiecik


    Amazing food, nice place

  • Madara Ceriņa

    Madara Ceriņa


    Cosy place, good quality and size of the portion for the price, large parking, very close to the beach. Family friendly, has corner with toys and other staff for kids.

  • Janis Bertrands

    Janis Bertrands


    Enticed by the positive reviews we decided to give this place a try. The food was quite adequate - nothing amazing, perhaps a little dry, you could often find better in a cafeteria, just less nicely presented. For the price it was just ok, as the rating says. As a nice bonus there's a large parking area nearby with easy access to the seaside. But the biggest problem here was that there's like zero ventilation here! It's basically an aquarium with a lot of windows that let the sun in and none of them open. Place was packed and it got really hot and stuffy really quickly. We had a nice big gulp of air once finally outside. Seems like they have outside seating during the summer, though, so this point may be moot then.

  • Eva Indriksone

    Eva Indriksone


    Great! Fantastic place, prices are average, but portions quite large

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