Chocolate & Pepper i Jelgava

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LetlandChocolate & Pepper



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6, Krišjāņa Barona iela, 3001, Jelgava, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 63 010 220
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Latitude: 56.6538173, Longitude: 23.7238241

kommentar 5

  • Dmitrijs Minajevs

    Dmitrijs Minajevs


    Not the best place to eat. It is cosy inside, staff is very friendly but prices are inflated. Food is not worth the price, at all. I got a soup, ravioli and lemonade. Lemonade and a soup was alright. However ravioli was pure abomination. It was served deep in a water it was boiled in, so after a few minutes after being served it got really soggy. It was so soggy that I could only eat 1 or 2 of it. Everything else in the plate turned into brownish mass of meat, pasta and used water. I would describe it as mashed-potatoes-like substance mixed with water 50/50 and with brief taste of ground chicken. And that's for the 7.80. waitress refused to agree that's a defect, so won't be going there anymore.

  • Tony Lorentsson

    Tony Lorentsson


    Very good soup! Great service. Good prices, at least for a swede.

  • Olga Geitus

    Olga Geitus


    Fantastic place for dinner. Cosy atmosphere. The food is delicios. The coffee is very good. The service is excellent. I definitely advise this place.

  • Vitalijs Lopatinskis

    Vitalijs Lopatinskis


    Prices just a little bit high, bet overall it's quite cosy

  • Mario Giorgi

    Mario Giorgi


    the restaurant is a moderm place with very good and fast service. the food is fresh and good despite i prefere a bit less tastes in the same dish. however this is a personal consideration. I recommend this place for a tasty meal. price a bit over the average.

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