Beerfox Bar i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LetlandBeerfox Bar



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61, Stabu iela, 1011, Rīga, LV Letonia
kontakter telefon: +371 29 238 574
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.9533385, Longitude: 24.1350498

kommentar 5

  • en

    René Petræus


    A lot of very nice beers in the shop and in the bar. Very nice place and excellent staff. Very sweet and serviceminded.

  • r kennedy

    r kennedy


    This place is great! Friendly staff, great beer selection, and excellent live music. A must see in Riga. The bar has several taps, and right next door is a beer shop run by the same people that has literally 100's of different bottled beers, specializing in craft brewers from around the region. They even had beers from my hometown in Portland, Oregon!

  • en

    Jeremy Noonan


    I travel abroad for work and recently found myself a long way from home (Vancouver, BC) - ending up in Riga, Latvia. I had done my research and found myself close to a beerbar that specialized in quality craft beer. I stopped in once and immediately cemented this place in as my home away from home. The taplist is diverse and world-class. The people are some of the most genuine, humble and interesting folks I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Saddle up to the bar and share your story with others whose own stories are just as fascinating. If you find yourself in Riga - or if you live in Latvia - you owe it to yourself to check this place out. It is absolutely perfect.

  • Jurģis Bokiševs

    Jurģis Bokiševs


    Labs alus vienmēr, mainās klāsts. Pārdevējas ir zinošas un spēj pastāstīt par visiem aliem. Pasakot ko parasti dzer vai garšo piemeklēs piemērotāko alu.

  • Armands Aleksejevs

    Armands Aleksejevs


    Great variety of crafts. Nice atmosphere. Helpful staff. Has trivia nights. A fantastic place to enjoy beer.

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