BakeBerry i Rīga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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11, Audēju iela, LV-1050, Rīga, LV Latvia
kontakter telefon: +371 67 130 667
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.9469431, Longitude: 24.1121664

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sherry-Christine Visage


    Food is OK if you're really hungry, but there are better cafés in town with better food and especially a friedlier service.

  • en

    Alyce Brooke


    Great coffee, AMAZING pastries! Friendly staff, good vibes and various seating options available. Would definitely recommend

  • Haly Leshchuk

    Haly Leshchuk


    A cozy, warm place. Great selection of desserts, tasty drinks. Amazing place for a visit, discovering Riga streets!

  • Joshua R

    Joshua R


    Loved the Riga Coffee! Very strong and tasty. The Latvian pork pie and tea was also very good. Great atmosphere and the porch swing is a nice touch!

  • Renata Aquino

    Renata Aquino


    Cozy place with delicious cakes and coffee. It's a good stop from the busy old town but the service isn't the best one. We missed having a small simple tasty menu for warm foods. Everything that is available is just on display. It felt like they just get a lot of tourists and don't feel like treating anyone with kindness, pretty much just very straight forward. But it could've been something only on that day too, so I recommend seeing for yourself.

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